

New Food Labelling Requirements Delayed Until January 2024

Following the delay of EU foodstuff customs clearance requirements in July, further regulations surrounding labelling have now also been delayed.

Rows of vegetables (teal overlay)
United Kingdom

Could you benefit from the direct China to Scotland liner schedule?

Goods trading between Scotland and China have historically risked delays and additional costs, due to transhipment either at sea or inland. However, there is now another way.

Scotland China

Quick Scan: Improve the Efficiency of Your Customs Operation

When you trade internationally and deal with Customs Authorities worldwide, you must make sure that all your systems, procedures and processes related to customs activities are compliant. Customs rules and regulations constantly change. The market in which you continuously operate changes, and your operation constantly evolves. With so many changing factors, there is always a risk that your customs processes are no longer on par with the latest situation. 

Quick Scan eyeball technology

The Impact of Freeports in the UK

Following Brexit, the UK announced the creation of eight freeports to open trade opportunities, provide jobs, encourage innovation and boost the economy in the aftermath of COVID-19.

Overlayed data
Client Cases
United Kingdom

Meet Our People: Charlie Dawson

In our series #WeAreCustomsSupport, you will meet the people behind Customs Support. We value our colleagues and the work they do. In this series, we will interview the people who are always ready to assist you with importing or exporting your goods without worries. Next up in this series is Charlie Dawson, who is the business development manager for Ireland, based in Waterford.

Charlie Dawson Overlayed on Irish Flag

Connected Customs: the benefits of end-to-end customs clearance

Are you an importer or exporter? Does your movement use the GVMS system, a T1 form, or maybe you are dealing with continuously ambiguous circumstances for trading between two countries – such as between the UK and the Republic of Ireland? Having a customs agent that looks after your declarations at both origin and destination saves you hassle. Here is how you can benefit from end-to-end customs clearance services:

Lines of Connectivity

Northern Ireland Bill

Northern Ireland has been in limbo between the UK and the EU ever since Brexit, with the small country remaining inside both customs territories. The Northern Ireland Protocol, which governs the region’s customs clearance requirements, was created to keep trade moving and avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

However, the Protocol has been subject to criticism due to the complications that it imposes on businesses, which have prevented trade and caused political unrest.

Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland
United Kingdom

Five Checkpoints of Great Customs Consultancy

Entrusting a customs consultant with your supply chain can be daunting. The customs landscape is ever-changing, and you are at risk of audits, delays, and lost business if you do not have your procedures in check. Therefore, regular customs consultancy is key to maintaining your business. However, what do you look for when choosing a company for such an important task?

Checkpoints for Consultancy

Your data, and the new Customs Declaration Service

Four years later than planned, HMRC is making the move to CDS in 2022. But did you know that you might need to register for the Customs Declaration Service as a trader, not only if you are a customs broker?

Cloud connecting devices to CDS

Customs Support welcomes SPTT to the family

We are happy and proud to announce another French addition to the Customs Support Family: SPTT – Societé Phoceéne de Transport et transit. SPTT is one of the oldest freight forwarding and customs brokerage companies in the Marseille area, where it has its office just around the corner of the beautiful Old Port.

France Landscape